Landscaping & Gardening

Tips to Maintain a Driveway

A driveway is the only point of contact between your home and the outside world. As such, it’s important to keep it in good condition. Some people feel that asphalt is easier to maintain than concrete, but in fact they are both very easy to maintain with just a little effort.

Wash your driveway

The first thing you should do is to regularly wash your driveway using a pressure washer. The use of a pressure washer will remove dirt and grime very easily. The process is quite simple: Switch on the machine and put detergent into the soap dispenser. Then, spray the detergent over the surface of the driveway and scrub it gently with a cleaning brush or sponge. When you are done with scrubbing, take a wet sponge and wipe away any excess detergent that may have been deposited on the surface during scrubbing.

Next, rinse your driveway using clean water from the pressure washer and be sure to remove all traces of soap. Finally, apply a layer of asphalt sealer using a paintbrush so as to seal pores and prevent cracking and breaking down in future.

One of the most common reasons for driveways to begin to deteriorate is due to overgrowth. The longer you leave grass and other debris on the surface, the more likely it is that they will work their way into cracks or other openings in the surface. This will cause problems with moisture retention, which can cause additional issues.

If you notice your driveway becoming overgrown, take some time to clear it off. This will prevent further damage from occurring.

Wetness is another big concern when it comes to driveways. Water can cause problems in both the short-term and long-term if left sitting on the surface for too long. Water that sits for just a few days can cause cracking or warping that can lead to future problems. If you notice water pooling up on your driveway, take steps to get rid of it as soon as possible. To find out more information, click on the link.

Remove snow and ice from the driveway as soon as possible. The average temperature of a driveway is below freezing for about six months out of the year. That means even if it doesn’t snow or rain, your driveway will still freeze over. If water freezes, it expands and causes cracks and potholes in your driveway. So remove all the snow and ice before it has a chance to freeze.

Treat the driveway with sealant periodically to prevent cracks and keep it looking new.

Get rid of tree roots that grow into your driveway by removing them or cutting them back with an axe or shovel.

Repair any cracks or holes immediately so they don’t get larger and become more expensive to repair later on.

Seal the driveway every year, especially if there is a lot of traffic on the pavement from vehicles and people walking on it.