Home Improvement

Interior Wall Covering: Three Keys To Choose The Best Materials

Choosing the materials for the floors and the interior wall coverings is not an easy task, since the large number of possibilities offered by the market is a whole world to discover.

To this effect, we give you step by step, the decisions you must make, that will lead you to the choice of the most suitable interior lining for your walls.

    1. Define Aesthetics

In the first place, you must define well the aesthetics you need for your home before launching into choosing finishes, since if you only guide yourself by criteria such as the resistance or comfort of each material, the set may not be entirely satisfactory. Check out this article by Space Factor on how to create balinese interior design for your home.

If we want a contemporary aesthetic, we will choose austere materials with smooth surfaces. If we like the rustic style more, we will bet on masonry and plaster in ocher tones. For a Nordic style, we will look for natural and minimalist materials. For a neoclassical aesthetic, we will use classic moldings along with a smooth and decorative surface.

    1. Think About Comfort

There are high thermal inertia materials that increase thermal comfort, as is the case with stone materials.

Porous and soft materials such as textiles or woods are suitable for achieving acoustic comfort, while high or low reflectivity materials will help harmonize the lighting environment. Its smooth finish and white color enhance the qualities of natural light.

    1. Choose With Aesthetics And Maintenance In Mind

If you choose a writable laminate, you must take into account the maintenance involved. If instead, your priority is to minimize maintenance, you should choose more resistant materials such as ceramics, marble, or quartz. Or even a porcelain tile is covering with a thousand and one possibilities.

Silestone is a non-porous surface whose stain resistance of everyday products and its high impact resistance makes it an ideal material for the kitchen coating, both as a counter and walls.